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Babs Damen Babs Damen schreef op 29 april 2023 om 19:47
I went 1 time by Babs, and my experience by her was really fascinating, peacefully and also strange.. but strange in the very good way 😊 Because I'm not used to open my to people I don't know and to talk about things that are deep inside my self. But for the moment I got by Babs, she is such a kind person and the vibe that circle around her.. is amazing. We have talked many things, she feels and understood immediately what I'm going through and helped me to understand more my self, she showed me the path I have to go, to bring the peace and the light in my self and my spirit. I could have talk to her the all day, but unfortunately I had to leave. But for sure I'm going to see her for the next time. 😌
I went 1 time by Babs, and my experience by her was really fascinating, peacefully and also strange.. but strange in the very good way 😊 Because I'm not used to open my to people I don't know and to talk about things that are deep inside my self. But for the moment I got by Babs, she is such a kind person and the vibe that circle around her.. is amazing. We have talked many things, she feels and understood immediately what I'm going through and helped me to understand more my self, she showed me the path I have to go, to bring the peace and the light in my self and my spirit. I could have talk to her the all day, but unfortunately I had to leave. But for sure I'm going to see her for the next time. 😌... Invouwen
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