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Bettina Bettina schreef op 9 december 2023 om 13:43
This wonderful session with Babs was gifted to me by a friend. I hadnt had much experience with Energy Healing before. Babs was absolutely amazing. What I appreciated the most was how she took the time that was needed. I felt safe and comfortable to share my struggles when she guided me thru it. Absolutely recommend her to anyone feeling stuck, lost or just helpless with their struggles. Thank you Babs!
This wonderful session with Babs was gifted to me by a friend. I hadnt had much experience with Energy Healing before. Babs was absolutely amazing. What I appreciated the most was how she took the time that was needed. I felt safe and comfortable to share my struggles when she guided me thru it. Absolutely recommend her to anyone feeling stuck, lost or just helpless with their struggles. Thank you Babs!... Invouwen
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