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Stefi Stefi schreef op 17 januari 2024 om 11:08
I had a healing session with Babs and at first I didn’t know what to expect. Babs was so sweet and welcoming that made the whole session very easy. She explained every step of the session and took the time to explain it. I did find the session very insightful and enriching. I gained a better perspective of my upbringing and a better understanding of the areas to continue working on myself. I will definitely continue working with Babs 🙂
I had a healing session with Babs and at first I didn’t know what to expect. Babs was so sweet and welcoming that made the whole session very easy. She explained every step of the session and took the time to explain it. I did find the session very insightful and enriching. I gained a better perspective of my upbringing and a better understanding of the areas to continue working on myself. I will definitely continue working with Babs :)... Invouwen
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